
Showing posts from February, 2013

bOhEmIaNly insane....

Inn The Deep meadows of my Consciousness; There is a reflection Of my swinging moods; Caprice of a child and a blooming mind Thats All wHat I WiShh To SiGht... A photographer,a writer and a poet. A painter A Singer and a Choir; BeaUtiful forms of expressions; Each sustains a wave of Joy; My ruffled Look; And my DarK streak of Hair; I Just Dont want to try; The smudged kOhl in my deep set eyes; I came across you,you and you.. Now I wish to come across MEE... ThE bohemian in me is Totally InSaNee. Like the Shiver of The Chilled Winter rAiNs... Hardly I know where I will land; Metamorphosis I sense is on the way; I love being what I am:Complete Bohemian I must Say; A bITch or Frenzyy Let you say... But Still I am Insane A bohemian Completelyy Insane.................