So this is life...whether complicated easy cheerful..sad lamenting ...but it is..."life" have to Live it...anyhow u just need to take in the pain which might subside and give u intense emotions all erupting out at some point of time in form of hot tears or may some kinda mental trauma.depression melancholy...and what not......anyways im not here to discuss about pain which all the human beings face at some corner of him rich be him poor or whatever...sometimes i really wonder why i have stopped being vicarious for the poor...why dont tears dwell up on seeing a poor naked child...why???Its not that im not emotional anymore its just that I am too used to of seeing the happens ...when you are tired of overpowering yourself with active emotions and feelings..there is a certain kind of calmness which creeps in you..Its wrong to say its calmness its wrong to give it a positive word...actually i have never come across any english word which can describe this kind of feel...when eyes are dried up...and ur heart still bleeds bleeds as if your heart is suffering from Hemophilia...the blood doesnt stop bleeding it just know you even get tired of applying bandages to it..and u want to make it bleed as much as it wants because letting it bleed gives u more comfort then making it cease to bleed...this kind of situation is known as Living are just living to know that one day all blood will flow out of ur heart and it will embrace are just doing that..sometimes its happy to know that one day u will day all the pain that ur going through will be day...but the wait of that day is too long...there is absolutely no medicine for that...the more u try to run away the more jerk and vibrations it would give so better walk with it...I would leave this post here because it has no definite bottom certain conclusions...just a feeble hope which says sometimes may be the pain would want to leave you because you had been loyal to it...had been patiently with now it would free u up even if it doesnt it would increase to a level where its bound to take ur life with least it better to die than to live a living death !! Om Sai Ram.....


  1. it was an awesome one...u write so well....itzz d same feeling dat i go thru each day....may b livin death is such a waste wido8 giving a fight to it...hmmm....thankzz fo dis post.. :)...

  2. @sid-yaar im in a condition worse than urs...really yaar thingz would be so ugly in life i never thought...anyways thanx for appreciating..!!


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